Why visit Morocco right now? That might seem like a strange question, but it is one that many travelers ask. In this article, we will discuss the best times to travel to Morocco and why. Morocco is an amazing travel destination for the year.

It is the most popular African country and is known for its cultural, natural, and architectural wonders, the Atlas mountains, the Sahara Desert, and its climate.

The country presents a wide variety of landscapes and you will find a different thing in every corner of it. Moreover, people are friendly making Morocco a great holiday destination for everyone.

If you’re planning on visiting Morocco soon, here is everything you need to know about the best time of year to visit from an itinerary perspective. There are so many things to see and do in this country that can make your trip memorable.

The weather in Morocco by month

Morocco is located between the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Atlas Mountains, in the Maghreb, which is the extreme northwestern point of Africa.

Due to the diversity of landscapes and the proximity of the cold currents of the Atlantic, as well as the proximity to the Sahara and high mountains, the climate in the country is quite diverse.

If on the coast it can be called subtropical, then the farther from it, the more it becomes continental. Most of Morocco has dry and hot summers and warm and humid winters, with some regions staying below freezing all winter.

Spring weather in Morocco

Spring in Morocco is certainly not the time for a beach holiday. At this time, the ocean is cold, it can be cool and even damp. However, spring is a good time to get acquainted with Arab culture and sights, taste Moroccan cuisine and spend time in spa centers and swim in heated pools.

In April, the weather in Morocco becomes warmer, and by the beginning of May, a unique flowering begins, including orange orchards! Even by the end of spring, it is hardly worth counting on swimming, the ocean temperature will be about 18-20 degrees

Moroccan summers

Summers in Morocco are mostly dry and hot. In summer, compared to spring, almost everywhere the temperatures rise sharply, except for the Atlantic coast south of Casablanca, as the cool Canary current passes here, which brings not only cooling but also fogs.

Fall in Morocco

At the beginning of autumn, it can still be summery in Morocco, especially in a city far from the ocean, but on the coast, it is better because of the sea breeze.

In October and November, the ocean can already be cool with big waves, otherwise, they are frequent throughout the year, so only the brave ones can swim, for the rest, pools.

The weather is perfect for an excursion program, visiting various cities and attractions because there is no trace of the summer stuffiness.

Winter months in Morocco

In winter, maritime humid and cold air prevails in Morocco, brought by cyclones from the northwest and west.

Periodically, summery tropical air from the south also invades in winter, which can cause weather contrasts. For example, in Casablanca at the same time in different years, temperatures of +36 °C and -3 °C were recorded. Due to the humid air in winter months, fogs are possible on the coast.

If you are traveling to Morocco in winter, please note that not all hotels have central heating, and more often expensive ones do. In the winter, waterproof clothing is a good idea as there can be decent rainfall.

High season

Best time to visit Morocco

There is a demand for travel in Morocco all year round. Despite this, the state has a high season, which primarily includes the time when you can swim and sunbathe here – from May to October. Also, the influx of tourists is observed during the Christmas and New Year holidays.

In June, the air in the country warms up to an average of +24 – +28°С, and water – up to +21°С. At the resorts at this time, it is sunny and warm, rains are a very rare phenomenon. In July, thermometers rise by an average of 2-4 degrees. And in the last month of summer, the real heat begins – the thermometer can show + 33 – + 35 ° С. But the ocean warms up to temperatures suitable for a long stay in the water.

The best time to trek the high Atlas Mountains

If you’re interested in trekking in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco, the good time to visit is between May and October. During this time, the weather is perfect for trekking in this part of Morocco.

However, if you visit during winter, you’ll experience snowfall and sub-zero temperatures. The best months to visit the Atlas Mountains of Morocco are May, June, July and August, September, and October, when you can enjoy clear blue skies, warm temperatures, and a little bit of autumn leaves on the trees.

There are trekking routes in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco that are only accessible during certain times of the year. The best time to trek these routes is between May and October when the weather is great for trekking and the maas trees are in full bloom.

The Best times to travel to Morocco and the coastal cities

times to visit

The beach holiday season starts around the end of May and lasts until the beginning of October. During these months, on the Atlantic coast in resorts such as Agadir, Essaouira, and Casablanca, it is warm, and sometimes very warm.

True, if you are going on a beach holiday in Morocco, you need to understand that this is the Atlantic Ocean, and it warms up very slowly and weakly. Even if the air temperature reaches +30 degrees, the water temperature may well be cool – about +20C. Another feature of the Atlantic is the big waves, as a rule, the sea is restless, but many people like it.

The closer to the Mediterranean Sea, the warmer the water temperature will be, for example, in Tangier. If you are going on vacation with children and are worried about whether they will be cool in the sea, then you should consider the time closer to July and August, or even the velvet season.

The most comfortable time for a beach holiday in Morocco is the velvet season because the Atlantic Ocean warms up just in time for August-September, and in October it already begins to cool.

True, be prepared that the water can invigorate and there may be waves because it is the ocean, but swimming, as a rule, is quite good at this time.

The Best times to travel to Morocco Sahara Desert

The best time to visit Morocco Sahara Desert is autumn and spring. The heat at night at this time is about 0 – +10 degrees during the day – up to +35 degrees.

In winter, it is not hot in the desert during the day – only up to +25 degrees, but at night there may be subzero temperatures. If you come to Morocco in winter months and want to visit the dunes, it is best to stay in a comfortable Hotel or Riad at the edge of the desert.

Then you can spend the night in comfortable conditions, and early in the morning or at sunset you can make a Desert excursion for a few hours, then ride a camel, walks, or have ATV trips on the dunes.

In summer, it is extremely hot in the desert – the desert heat does not allow you to travel comfortably to these places!

In any case, an experienced agent or travel concierge will help you organize your route around the country to take into account all these details and selected time to visit Morocco.

During the time you visit Morocco, you will have an air-conditioned car, your accommodation is well equipped, also the camps in the desert are well equipped and have air conditioning in each tent.

Morocco’s Festivals & Events

As in other Muslim countries, most holidays are calculated according to the lunar calendar, and the dates change annually.

Another feature is that civil holidays in Morocco are celebrated more modestly than religious ones, which are accompanied by lavish ceremonies and performances.

The year begins on January 1st, the European New Year, followed by Independence Day, celebrated on January 11th. On March 3, the accession to the throne of King Hassan II is celebrated, around April 30, Eid al-Kabir is the sacrifice of Ibrahim, May 1 is the holiday of labor.

Around May 15 is the Muslim New Year, May 23 is a national holiday, around June 1 is the holiday of the poor and children of Ashura, 9 July is the holiday of youth, around July 30 is the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, August 20 is the Day of the Revolution, November 6 is the memorial day of the Green March and many others.

In addition, folklore ceremonies and processions in national clothes, folk arts, and harvest festivals are held in the Kingdom of Morocco. The most revered holiday is the holy month of Ramadan, and the next is al Adha.

When is the best time to go sightseeing?

If you are going to Morocco to get acquainted with the Moroccan history, culture, and sights of the country, enjoy the breathtaking scenery of the mountains and the sea, and visit various cities, then you should think about a trip to the Kingdom in March, April, and May, in the second half of autumn, or in December, January and February.

The weather will be pleasant and not very warm, if it rains, they quickly pass, and nature only flourishes from them!

The ski season Time Morocco

Is it possible to go skiing in Africa? Of course! True, there are not so many ski resorts in Morocco, and their level should not be compared with similar resorts in Europe.

Still, for Morocco it is more exotic and a new kind of entertainment. The ski season in Morocco is short, only January and February, but sometimes there is snow in December and March.

The most famous resorts are Ukaimeden in the High Atlas, near Marrakesh with about 10 pistes 600-1000m long, and Ifrane in the Middle Atlas with small pistes, next to which there is a national park and a lake.

How to book your tour to visit Morocco?

You can get a quote for tour in Morocco by contacting us through the form below, or through our contact us page. We can customize a unique tour for you to fit your need, also help you with best time of year to go to morocco.

Remember that you can organize your trip to Morocco through She & Co Travel Morocco. The goal of our team is to provide a high quality service to our clients for an excellent experience in Morocco.


Summing up, we can say that Morocco is worth a visit, the main thing is to decide on the purpose of the trip and choose the right time of year for this. If you are interested in culture and ethnic attractions, then it is better to go in April-May, and October-November, at this time it is not so hot, or in winter, but it can be cool.

Winter is also suitable for ski holidays, namely January and February. For a beach holiday, the best months are August and September, when the ocean is warm enough, but it can be hot. We hope that the trip Calendar has prepared you for the weather and natural phenomena of this “snowy African country”, and you will spend an unforgettable time in Morocco.

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